what is importance of science and technology in our life

The standard of living is getting better than ever. We can see the great advancement in our lives every day! We are constantly trying to upgrade our lives. The major contribution of this advancement goes to science and technology. Now what is importance of science and technology in our life, you may ask. Well, the answer is very simple. Just take a look around you. Try to find the science and technology involved in your life. Even right now when you are reading this, you are using a technological device. Our lives are currently revolving around science and technology advancement. Every day or other, a new invention takes place. The rate at which these inventions are happening is quite higher than it was a few years ago. Some way or another, we have become somewhat dependent on science and technology. Science and technology, are two major pillars on which human life is highly dependent. Our daily existence is highly affected by these two. From lifestyle to medical care, from education to entertainment, everything has been upgraded.If you were also looking for importance of science and technology in our daily life essay, then read through this article as we explore various aspects of what is importance of science and technology in our life.

Progress & Advancement

The progress and advancement in our lives are extremely dependent on the development of science and technology. Over the years, humans have discovered many tools to help us overcome our daily struggles and make our lives even more comfortable. The first invention goes back to centuries ago when humans had first discovered fire, constructed wheels and built the first house. Today, we have the fire on the go, from stone wheels to modern wheels and cars and from temporary houses to buildings that have become architectural marvels. science and technology. Now what is importance of science and technology in our life, you may ask. Well, the answer to it is relatively simple. Just take a look around you and try to find the science and technology involved in your life. Even right now when you are reading this, you are using a technological device.

Improved quality of lifestyle

It is only obvious that when advancement in science takes place, the quality of lifestyle also improves. Various inventions such as electricity, cars, smartphones, automatic machines, cooling systems and many other home appliances have made our lives better than ever. Life has become more comfortable and convenient. All these new innovations provide us comfort and save us from hardcore labour.

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Medical Care and Healthcare

There is hardly any aspect which science and technology have not touched. One of the greatest boons of science is the advancement in medical and health care. This particular aspect is an important example of what is importance of science and technology in our life. Advanced medical instruments help in the early diagnosis of major illnesses.  which further helps doctors eradicate the sickness using vaccines and other medical treatments. 

Information and Education

We live in an age of the internet. The digital life is becoming a trend. Internet advancement has been a great help in field of education. You can find a wide range of topics digitally. Without leaving your home, you can attend classes. There are many online courses available. Digital library, educational apps and many other such technology has made our lives easier. 

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Innovation and economic growth

In this modern world, digitalization has helped in economic growth. New job opportunities have taken place. Lots of e-commerce platforms came to light. All of them lead to improved economic growth. The improved quality in these fields help the economy to rise. We have explored a significant part of this scientific world which is helping us in one way or another. 

Productivity and Efficiency

We are always running short of time. But with innovations like smartphones, fast speed internet, we have more time in our hands. We have become more productive than ever. All thanks to science to technology. They have given us a gift of artificial intelligence and computer. Which helps us in dealing with our daily life tasks. Thanks to science, we all have become more productive and efficient. 


1. What is importance of science and technology in our life?

Science and technology both are important for our lives. They make our daily tasks easier. For more information, read the points given above. 

2. Is science and technology important? 

We are living in advanced world. In such world, it is important to keep up with all the latest trends and technology. Science helps with many areas of our lives. And technology helps to make life easier. Which means, science and technology are important for our lives. 

3. Can we survive without science and technology?

All of us have become habitual of comfort given by science and technology. So, it is hard to imagine living without them. 


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